diumenge, 24 de febrer del 2019

Campllong Dissabte 23/02/2019 Line-Dance - Rafel Corbí

Campllong Line
Dissabte/Saturday 23 febrer / february 2019
Line-Dance Class
Instructor: Rafel Corbí
"The Spirit of Line-Dance"

Primera classe del curs de Line-Dance a Campllong de febrer a juny. Per a tots els nivells des de la categoria d'improvers/iniciats. Aquesta setmana hem ballat coreos de la primera part del curs. Hem repassat l'Sleepwalk With Me (Fred Whitehouse) i hem afegit el Drift Away (Rafel Corbí), recuperat del 2015, i el ball senzill Who Needs Mexico de Claire Bell.
Propera classe dissabte 2 de març. De 18.45 a 21.00!!!

DRIFT AWAY (Rafel Corbí)


Anton & Sully - Celtic Duo (Celtic Duo, Maggie Gallagher & Gary O'Reilly)
Alexander Rybak - I Came To Love You (I Came To Love You, Gary O'Reilly & DeeMusk 2016)
Sheppard - Choke (Secret Samba, Adrian Churm)
The Shires - Sleepwalk (Sleepwalk With Me, Fred Whitehouse 2018) REPASSAT/RECAP
Drake Jensen - Wherever Love Takes Us (Waves Of Love, Gary O'Reilly 2018)
Kenny Rogers - Children, Go Where I Send Thee Feat Home Free (Bethlehem Child, Verdonk, Holtland & Belloque)
Nathan Carter - Drift Away 2015 Version (Drift Away, Rafel Corbi) ENSENYAT/TEACH
Rudedog & Ray Charles - I Got A Woman (I Got A Woman, Michael Desire Nieto 2017)\Users\BALLS\Music\Line-Jon Bon Jovi - Blaze Of Glory (Blaze Of Glory, Ward ,Poulsen ,McKeever & Whitehouse, June 2018)
Keith Urban - Texas Time (Texas Time, Alan Birchall & Jacqui Jax  2018)
Mason James - Who Needs Mexico (Who Needs Mexico, Claire Bell) - ENSENYAT/TEACH Nou/New
Saint Lanvain Feat. Rahmsed - If Jesus Loves Me (Groovy Love, Whitehouse, Trepat & Dalhgren)
Pentatonix - Misbehavin' (Ain't Misbehavin' - Jo, Gayton, Amy)
Maggie Rose - Pull You Through (Pull You Through, Maddison Glover & Jo Thompson)
Gary Barlow - Let Me Go (Fly High, Maggie Gallagher)
Frances - Say It Again (Say It Again, Kate Sala 2016)

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