Dissabte/Saturday 30 març / march 2019
Line-Dance Class
Instructor: Rafel Corbí
"The Spirit of Line-Dance"
6a classe del curs de Line-Dance a Campllong de febrer a juny. Per a tots els nivells des de la categoria d'improvers/iniciats. Aquesta setmana hem repassat la darrera coreo nova que vam fer la setmana passada (Graffitti de Karl Harry Wisdom). Hem afegit el ball Love Is Loud de Robbie McGowan-Hickie. Dels balls clàssics hem tornat a fer el Move A Like i l'Alvaro. Aquesta setmana hem recuperat el Heavenly Cha i el Your Loving Arms.
Propera classe dissabte 6 d'abril, amb un petit ball nou (fàcil) de Rob Fowler (Cherry Bomb) i la recuperació de nou per als que no el saben de l'Amame de Robbie McGowan-Hickie (2008)
Sheppard - Choke (Secret Samba, Adrian Churm)
Keith Urban - Texas Time (Texas Time, Alan Birchall & Jacqui Jax 2018)
The Shires - Sleepwalk (Sleepwalk With Me, Fred Whitehouse 2018)
Sofia Reyes - Louder (Love Is Loud) (Love Is Loud, Robbie McGowman Hickie 2019)
Ed Sheeran - Thinking Out Loud (Your Loving Arms, Vikki Morris)
Brandy Clark - What'll Keep Me Out Of Heaven (Heavenly Cha, Dee Musk)
Keith Urban - Never Comin' Down (Graffitti, Karl-Harry Winson 2018)
Jerrod Niemann - I Got This (I Got This Too, Kate Sala 2018)
Barbra Streisand - It's Up To You (It's Up To You, Kim Ray 2006)
Alvaro Estrella - All In My Head (Alvaro, Robbie McGowman & Karl-Harry Winson)
Will Young - Evergreen (Evergreen, Karen Hunn)
Maroon 5 ft Christina Aguilera - Moves Like Jagger (Move A Like, Ria Vos)
Jon Bon Jovi - Blaze Of Glory (Blaze Of Glory, Ward ,Poulsen ,McKeever & Whitehouse, June 2018)
Shannon Noll - We Only Live Once (We Only Live Once, Robbie McGowman Hickie)
Train - You Better Believe (You Better Believe, Maggie Gallagher & Gary O'Reilly 2017)
Mason James - Who Needs Mexico (Who Needs Mexico, Claire Bell)
Ed Sheeran - Perfect (Perfect, Allison Johnstone & Joshua Talbot)
Kenny Chesney - American Kids (Blue Jean Baby, Adrian Churm)