dimarts, 11 de desembre del 2018

Palafrugell Dilluns 10/12/2018 Line-Dance - Rafel Corbí

Palafrugell Line
Dilluns/Monday 10/Desembre/December/2018
Line-Dance Class/Dance
Instructor: Rafel Corbí Corbí (UKDC, NTA)

Cursos de line-dance a Palafrugell. Els dilluns, curs-ball de line-dance de nivell progressiu amb tots estils de música. Des de les 21.15 fins les 23.15.
Aquesta setmana hem repassat coreos com el Brokenhearted. Paradise, It's Up To You i Damn!!!. Us esperem de nou el dilluns dia 10 de gener, primera classe de 2019. Bones festes!



Born To Be Great, Conrad Farnham
Sinatra & Chardonnay, Alison Biggs & Peter Metelnick
Bruises, Niels Poulsen
Telepathy, Chris Hodgson
Celtic Duo, Maggie Gallagher & Gary O'Reilly
South of Santa Fe, Nathalie Pelletier
Groovy Love
Damn, Rob Fowler (Ensenyat/Teach)
Get It Right, Maddison Glover
The Same Eyes, Sharon Appleby
If I Was A Single Man, Ria Vos
Paradise, Adriano Castagnoli (Repassat/Recap)
Missing, Heather Barton
Rio, Diana Lowery
Brokenhearted, Gary Lafferty (Ensenyat/Teach)
Bridges to Your Heart, Kathy Brown
Lonely Drum, Darren Mitchell
Champagne Promise, Tina Argyle
It's Up Tou You, Kim Ray (Repassat/Recap)

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