Divendres/Friday 30/Novembre/November/2018
Només Country /Only Country Line Class & Social
Instructor: Rafel Corbí Corbí (UKDC, NTA)
8a classe/ball de la temporada a Campllong Country. Intens dia de classe i ball amb respassos i estona per a disfrutar dels balls.
Repassos amb el Day Of The Dead de Dan Albro, Brokenhearted de Gary Lafferty i Radio Romp d'Elisa Portelli. El ball nou (recuperat) ha estat el Bobbi With An I. Propera cita divendres 14 de novembre, darrer dia de classe de l'any 2018.
Bobbi With An I
1000 Years Or More, Martin Ritchie
1-2-3-4, Niels Poulsen
Born To Be Great, Conrad Farnham
Radio Romp, Elisa Portelli (Repassat/Recap)
Get It Right, Maddison Glover
J. Walk, Unknown (Repassat/Recap)
Lips So Close, Rafel Corbí
California To Tennessee, Rafel Corbí
I Got You, Virginie Barjaud
We Love Country, Rafel Corbí
Paradise, Adriano Castagnoli
Bobbi With An I, Rachael McEnaney (Ensenyat/Teach)
Wild Forever, Neus Lloveras & Silvia Mimó
Day Of The Dead, Dan Albro (Repassat/Recap)
If I Was A Single Man, Ria Vos
Brokenhearted, Gary Lafferty (Ensenyat/Teach)
Rose, Rafel Corbí
19 Forever, Bruno Moggia
High Cotton, Niels Poulsen
Flik Flak, Gabi Ibañez
Lifetime, Adriano Castagnoli
Bruises, Niels Poulsen
Guitars & Cadillacs, Rafel Corbí
Three Crosses, Xavier Morano & Ma Carmen Garre
Recreation Land, Teo Lattanzio
Locklin's Bar, Maggie Gallagher
For Two, Rafel Corbí
Gravity, The Dreamers
Guts, Bruno Moggia
Step By Love, David Villellas
Human Jukebox, Rafel Corbí
Think Of You, Montse Garres
Things Up, Rafel Corbí
Let's Go There, Fillon & Durand
Let The Freedom Ring, Rafel Corbí
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